Horticulture Therapist or Gardener

Website Community Living Dufferin
Provide guidance and teach a group of people with intellectual disabilities how to start their garden from seeds to harvest. Each week the session will be about 2 hours long. Educating the people we support on anything to do with gardening. Soil, vegetables, flowers etc. Needs to be hands on education/activity. The program will be supported by Community Living Dufferin Staff.
Able to provide an inclusive learning environment and comfortable working with people with intellectual disabilities.
How to apply:
This is a new program I am trying to create, I am open to discussing and working with this person to provide the best learning experience. Please reach out with any questions [email protected].
Time commitment: Once a week for about 2 hours, possibly until August or November.
Contact: Katie Ward – Recreation Therapist
Location: Orangeville, ON
To apply for this job email your details to admin@chta.ca