Vice Chair – Board Position

  • CHTA Board Memebr
  • Remote
  • CHTA Board Memebr
  • Remote


As the Vice Chair of the CHTA, the primary responsibility is to support the Chair in all operational aspects, including maintaining policy documents and assisting with communication, meeting preparation, and presentations as needed. You can expect to collaborate with the Volunteer Coordinator and other Board Members on projects to further the CHTA’s mission. This role also involves learning and preparing to step into the Chair’s position.

The CHTA board is comprised of members from across Canada and representation from all provinces and territories is welcomed. Please consider volunteering for a Board or Committee position and working to ensure that the CHTA remains a vigorous and supportive organization for its members.

Continuous service on the CHTA board for a minimum of two (2) years is requested, up to a maximum of five (5) years. Board roles require a commitment of 15-25 hours per month ongoing.

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