Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Professional Individual Membership membership level.

Renew your annual Professional Individual Membership and receive all the great benefits of a CHTA Individual Membership plus additional Professional Membership benefits like:

  • Ability to promote yourself professionally 365 days/year as an HTT/HTR/HTM recognized by the CHTA, a respected professional organization
  • Ability to provide CHTA approved education
  • Ability to become a CHTA approved internship supervisor/mentor
  • Ability to build relationships through networking and collaborations with other practicing HTT/HTR/HTM members
  • Access to HTT/HTR/HTM job and volunteering opportunities
  • Support with promoting/marketing yourself as an HTT/HTR/HTM
  • Support in accessing funding for your project(s)
  • Assistance in creating letters of support (based upon evidence-based research)
  • Access to professional development opportunities through continuing education programs such as webinars and online workshops or events

The price for membership is $225.00 per Year.

Account Information

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This information will be visible to admins only.

Professional Registration

What is your Professional Designation?

Would you like to set up automatic renewals?

Billing Address

Payment Information